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Old 11-06-2016, 11:48 PM
shoresh shoresh is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 79
Thanks to all who responded on this thread. I just read the responses today.

I have been researching the afterlife in a systematic way since I lost my greatest treasures in this life. Also, after facing many deaths, right after another, and having other "abilities" arise...I take nothing at face value anymore.

Much of my time for the last 4 years has been spent in Grief forums where I have talked with many, found many spiritual / mystical experiences, as I was trying to make sense of what happened to me and my most beloveds.

I agree that first hand stories often have the most primacy, those in our circle.

I think many now, are able to share freely, the cat is out of the bag! The internet helps tremendously in the dispersement of these individual tellings of people's experiences; and I believe will lead to greater understanding. My own uncle, now transitioned, had an OOB experience while very ill in the 1950s. In those days, you were very careful who you shared with!

I have noted that when some passed, that they are surrounded in a Light, (my personal forum leader had that with her daughter); and many experienced precognitive dreams and knowings, including myself.

These experiences did not fit into any framework that I could figure out. They were beyond religion, beyond beliefs and beyond restrictive group thinking.

I have some interesting talks with bereaved authors who lost children, what those final lead up hours were like. I believe Starman, you also noted some of that.

This light was also in my own very short experience.

I do believe there are many different spaces/places in the non-physical. Some are more earthlike, others not.

In reading those facing death, or very close too, I notice a sacredness in the event that is hard to put into words. Often, the experience (or the "landscape" of it) does not fit neatly into any box, other than the sense of otherness and perhaps peace/tranquility, sometimes seeing others or higher level being providing guidance.

--The Light Beings or Master Light Being (God - Creator? Source?) that I am searching about -- I do believe that because of the difference in our world vs that world, perhaps that is why people/other Beings have this brilliance and radiance.

I also do understand that in that non-physical domain, we are not restricted to our present form, though many present themselves as such.

(An aside, My mom had an experience with a spirit person many years ago, she looked and felt solid to her, just as in real life, consequently, my mom held very non-traditional views as a result). I think the person just came back because they could as I think many people who lose their outer shell do, not to be scary, they are just people minus a physical shell.

I am hoping to share a bit of this journey, as it is hard for me to make sense out of it myself.
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