Thread: spiders
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Old 05-06-2018, 08:28 PM
Posts: n/a

I've spotted three tiny white spiders in my bedroom ceiling, once. Now I only see one settling within a web close to my closet. The other two must have wandered off outside my bedroom. I recall lighting up an incense cone on my altar when suddenly I noticed a spider dangling from the ceiling, slowly going down next to my altar. I thought this was a sign. I did a quick search online. Here's what I've discovered based off of spider superstitions.

If a spider drops down in front of you from the ceiling and dangles, do not kill it. If the spider hangs and then goes back up to the ceiling, you are due for a run of good luck. If, however, the spider dangles and then drops, it foretells the sudden loss of a loved one or some other personally catastrophic event.

Unfortunately I didn't stay to find out whether the spider did go up or not, but I heard someone did passed away from my sister's husband family member a few weeks after the spider incident. I thought it was no coincidence, but then again it is a superstition and could be just a coincidence. Plus I wasn't sure whether the spider did go up or not. Next time I'll stick around when a spider decides to dangle half-way in my bedroom.

Spider Superstitions

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