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Old 12-01-2018, 03:26 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Supersad/ Superhappy Thought

So... I wanted to write this story because I got a random visual of it and I completely came to tears by not only the extreme sadness of but also the beauty of the idea that it could possibly of happened... I figured that this was worth writing about but at the same time people could possibly take this the wrong way.... After all technically speaking I am writing about an event where a lot of people died and the visual was possibly just a super random daydream....

None the less Just before writing this I contemplated possible backlash and then I wondered if anyone could of possibly survived jumping out of the world trade center when the incident occurred. So I googled it and BAM! Apparently someone "surfed" down 15floors of debris as they were falling down a collapsing building.

So I am not very curious... and maybe something else is at work in regards to what I have been contemplating......

So here is what I have been contemplating:

Through the law of one it is understood from the multidimensional being channeled that stress creates a opportunity to be transmuted to love. Through Love one is able to transcended the physical reality and quite possibly even ascended into a higher dimensions.... I was watching WormWood on netflix and it features a man being "Dropped" out of a 10 story window by the a government agency haha...(better not use actual name here) I was then contemplating how it could possibly feel to be in such a predicament... and of course the idea of falling from such a high bridged to the 9/11 incident..... and thats where this image came from....

I saw a man falling from a great height and as he fell and kept repeating the words.... I forgive you.... first a thought that turned into a whisper that turned into a loud mighty shout as he progressively got closer to the ground. His words were not idle as the louder he said it the more he felt its truth.... This vision happened in a split sec but its message and feelings completely caught me off guard and It was like a dam of tears had just collapsed and busted out my eyes and the same happened with the emotion coming out of my heart. It was so strange... why would I have such strong feelings for something that was just a image.... just a image yes it was but power it was too. Im not quite sure if this story has any grounding in reality but now that I see that this 1 person survived such a fall I am super curious as to what was going through his mind at that time and if any of this story ranged true for him.

Let me know what you think and thank you for reading.

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