Thread: I wonder
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Old 28-02-2018, 06:48 PM
Inika Inika is offline
Join Date: May 2015
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Originally Posted by oldasthesea
If life without TF is more easier than beeing a TF in this lifetime?
I wonder if we could have more relationships then beeing restrict to just one with our tf. Because the loyalty between twins can prejudice us from living in other relashionships.
If we are them and them are we, we are the same.

Sometimes i wished it was different. I could live a "normal" life. Lot of people are interested in me, but they don´t come near. I wonder if it´s the tf energy all around me that blocks other´s from coming foward.

Sometimes i wish it was just simple.
Not with spiritual stuff activated, you know. Just normal.

What do you all think?
What do you all wonder?

This are just my toughts.
I don´t know if you pass the same thing.

Hugs to you all.

I guess it depends on you and what you want. Personally, I sense and feel a barrier. Not because there is only ONE. but because i find most people still stuck in the conscious programmed old template of relationships and the 'role' to play.
I'm happy with myself at this point. Loving life and having great fun along the way. I look around and i'm not even in a intimate personal relationship to have me feel and be this way! It's all on me and from me,my doing. I'm not looking. I'm content. so no need for me to even be concerned.
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