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Old 10-05-2017, 08:58 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Science and it's Fellowships, Chairs and 'those who speak with authority' reminds me of a pack of 9th grade girls, everyone is so careful what they say and what they believe and what they express so they don't get exiled from the group.

With our teenage girls the benefit of conforming to group thought is in being perceived as being in the "In Crowd".
With Scientists the benefit is in dollar, cents and grant and being accepted for publication. Meaning their intellectual capital is for sale to the Masters they will conform too. *rolls-eyes*

Scientific thought and protocols were to explore the nature of reality and make break-throughs in our understanding...or something like that. Now days though it seems to include an equal amount, if not more, of 'subjects to discredit and not be associated with due to the potential of not getting the Chair, the Publication, the grant, the job. Which really discredits the potential of science to me. Too much trying to be in the In Crowd in order to get money.

Give me a maverick thinker who dares to prove something for the shear benefit of knowledge and interest and a society who embraces it!
The Goat on the hill top has my attention, not the sheep in the valley.
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