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Old 06-07-2017, 09:04 AM
Victor ben Mark
Posts: n/a
Hi All,

I am a newbie on this forum, would like to comment on the forum discussion on the laws of attraction.

Following the back and forth comments regarding this topic, I see several misunderstandings that are prevalent in our modern day society, which appear in the reasoning that justifies using the Laws of Attraction to improve one's life. The manipulation of laws that operate within the Principal Laws of Interaction of God's Creation (one set of which are the laws of Attraction and their are others such as the laws of Repulsion). The manipulation by humans the laws of Attraction to improve their lives, gives birth to a dangerous set of one-sided temporary results with consequences. I will try to explain:::

The laws of Attraction are only a portion of the multidimensional design of Creation (they are housed within The Laws of Interaction) and should not be manipulated, as this damages the fabric of Creation and has great repercussions on all levels including a persons own body/soul-ethereal bodies (for example: why do you think cancer and mental illnesses are rampant in our society?). When we begin to manipulate the Principal laws within Creation we are manipulating the foundation of Creation which is not to be played with. We are allowed to manipulate physical/natural laws as they relate to our physical world to an extent, for example gravity. Of course we need knowledge, understanding and instruments to do so. Gravity applies to the Secondary and Tertiary laws (I wont go into detail on this now), which we as small creators are allowed to manipulate to an extent, if we go beyond the allowed extent it could result in physical death, for example. While the Primary Laws operate on the higher energy planes and manipulating them with our mentality causes damage. When doing so, we create anomalies in the fabric of Creation.

Manipulation using the "laws of Attraction" is man's attempt as the small creator, created in "His likeness" (very important to understand what this really means) to manipulate within the Principle Laws of Creation in order to attain a desired state, condition or presence of a given set of variables at certain intensities within the inherent frequencies of Creation in his or her favor. The desire to do so stems from the ego to receive for oneself, to improve your own life or situation and so on. Thinking that if your situation improves you can better help others, its an illusion! Usually the improvement is short lived and the eventual recourse is unpredictable and uncontrollable. While you are busy trying to receive solely to benefit for yourself, one truly doesn't learn how to give or sacrifice unselfishly, which is something that takes time to develop since it requires learning, understanding, ultimately leading to wisdom. Only then one is truly able to give (help creation, help others, help improve peoples lives and etc...). This can occur once the encumbrances of the ego's desire to receive are understood and managed by you as a small creator.

The fundamental principals of Creation are the Laws of Interaction within Light propagation which occurs through the Transcendence and Transference of Light properties and qualities at certain frequencies and intensities. That is, all creation interacts on all levels of being in its relevant position to the Light and within the Light in a given continuum (Quantum Plane) at a specific light frequency thus releasing a specific intensity, this is a fragile balance. Whereby each part (portion of energy) (for lack of better word) sacrifices a portion of itself willingly no matter its state or condition, either attracted or repelled. In turn that part also receives from other parts which also sacrifice a portion of themselves, this is Interaction (within which are incorporated the laws of Attraction, Repulsion and others). Thus God's plan for Creation is first and foremost about sacrifice which is done without the intent to receive and is not predicated on first receiving and then sacrificing. Thus the everlasting chain of God's Evolution of Creation exists thanks to sacrifice (unselfishness) - His Primary Law. That is why when we say God is Love, God is Kindness, it means unselfish love and kindness given without the intent to receive or without the intent to manipulate for one's own benefit, God forbid!

Humans fall into a unique category, God gave us freedom of choice, Blessed is He! Another words, we are given a choice, we can break/manipulate His laws (to a certain extent) or follow them, it is our choice! This is permitted by God since His Intent is that we (all of us) evolve, eventually achieving a state of being in the likeness of our Holy Father, through Faith, Learning, Understanding and Knowledge - by Self Sacrifice and Rectification, we achieve a true state of unselfishness as small creators, we become like our Holy Father.

He Trusts His children greatly! Let's not betray that Trust! .
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