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Old 12-05-2006, 12:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Peteyzen, thanks for the compliment above, two weeks ago I would have toiled somewhat against my crazy inclinations but now I don't think you could have said anything nicer thank you. It's funny how limiting "sanity" can be don't you think.

Have you listened to the words of Crazy by gnarles barclay, very apt, it is true there is a lot of wisdom in all music i feel. Listen with the right mind set and it is though God is speaking just to you. It is in the noticing of small details like this that God reveals himself - omens they used to be called.

I suppose an avator would always listen to the whispers of the universe, wei wu, if this is the dream no effort needs to be made, but how perfect a dream would you be brave enough to accept? At what point would the shame kick in i wonder. These are good questions to contemplate i feel. When things start getting a bit surreal will you go forward or pull back. I choose forward, i think. ha,ha,ha.

I notice your posts have become a litlle more free and easy - i like your style dude.

Take care.