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Old 17-09-2019, 12:40 AM
ColourLover ColourLover is offline
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Posts: 11
Originally Posted by rumpe
(I've posted it here because I think it's most relevant with this subsection >starseed)

After many attempts to write it in meaningful way (and expanded it into neverending essays) I'll just try to present/ask it in short-simple way.

-Starseeds are highly evolved beings from other planets/stars/areas..
-Earth (or earth council or how ever it's called or whose domain is it?) sent a call for help to evolve to 4th density.
-Starseed answered the call.
-As a starseed to reincarnate on earth it needs to become crippled (loosing touch with its higher self), stumble around confused and then healed (get wake up call) so that it will be able to use its full potential to help.

"question": Why not allowed to be incarnated with full knowledge of yourself (and blend in with earthlings so not to interfere with their learning process/experience) and use your skills discretely with full potential?

Is there a strict rule that you must "forget" your higher self if you want to incarnate on earth even if you answered it's call for help.. or what is it that I'm missing here? Did I understood some parts wrong?
Some parts of this system are missing to me.

Hi Rumpe,

I really resonate with this question. Thank you for sharing it.

I feel frustrated by this very thing sometimes.

Must we "forget"...?? Equally, if there is divine help, if there is the potential for 4D work, and for what we perceive as miracles, why are we watching the Earth burn at the hands of greed. It's so deeply distressing to see wars, and to see people hurting and feeling lonely...

If we end up "waking up" anyway, why not just start there...

My wondering is that perhaps for those of us who are called to help heal, in order to have the ability to do so with great strength, the very act of ascending on a personal level is something that can start the process and momentum, and help us build the "muscle" for helping this on a larger scale. Like the butterfly struggling to escape the cocoon, they say if we took the cocoon away too soon, the butterfly wouldn't have the strength in its wings to fly. It builds this strength through the very struggle of breaking the cocoon.

Paulo Coelho has a short story about this.

If we were born with all the ease of the 4D reality from which we come, with none of the 3D limitations... that experience might miss the point of the work. Like a body-builder walking into a gym and lifting all the weights for everyone trying to gain muscle. The weights would get lifted, but nothing would be gained.

To keep comparing it to the world of muscle/health/fitness.... I think we love to see before and after photos because we love to see the possibility of transformation. The Before photo is proof that we all can achieve the After, from wherever we are starting from.

Perhaps we are here to role-model transformation and ascension, as 4D beings who are already familiar with the rules and feelings of 4D existence.

We might have to start on 3D, with everybody else, and to struggle to remember and to ascend, within all the limits and rules of 3D reality, so that we can develop the strength to bring others with us. We might have to be in the space of darkness and "forgetfulness" in order for journey into "remembering" to be of most service to the context we're in. The context of the world, as it is right now.

Is this in line with what you're asking?

The question still remains why must all this happen... why can't we all just begin in 4D consciousness on a 3D plane. Why can't we look after the 3D world from that perspective....

For this I wonder if it's because the lack is what brings us closer to appreciation for some of the wonders of the 4D world. Living in a 3D reality, there are so many experiences of disconnection, of war, of suffering, of cruelty, of mistake. Every time we learn these things it can bring us a new way of experiencing the presence of their opposite: we can develop understanding for togetherness, love, peace, creativity, harmony. Free-will is a great learning ground for this.

I often wonder why we would choose to have to learn these things or come to "Earth School", if we already know... perhaps we so love life, perhaps it's a deep curiosity and appreciation for the nature of the world... By understanding it all through a 3D lens we come closer to the world of light. Even in seeming separation from it, we learn we are never separate.

Just some thoughts. Love to hear what you think

Sending you love on your journey :) thank you for asking your question, it helps me feel less alone!

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