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Old 07-09-2018, 05:23 AM
happy soul happy soul is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 418
Greenslade, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think you have a good point.

Shivani Devi, I agree. And in the end, truth is truth. As Tupac Shakur said, 'Only God can judge me.' And surely God sees us as we are. That's a wonderful thing.

Davidsun, nice quote from the Gita. Probably most people, definitely including me, have frequently allowed their own desires to obscure wisdom. Tbh I've made unwise choices because of my own petty desires more times than I can count. And I'm very glad you shared that quote because it's a lesson I need to learn. When a desire is unwise or unloving, we shouldn't act on it merely because we want to. It reminds me of that book, 'Everything I Needed to Know I Learned In Kindergarten'. Don't do things just because you want to! Choose love. It sounds obvious and is very simple, but not as easy to practice.
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