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Old 14-09-2014, 03:28 AM
Raven Poet
Posts: n/a
"Cultural Attachment Theory" Video

Check out this 20 minute video on "nation talk" website about a very wise Anishinaabe woman PH.d, presenting from a beautiful traditional perspective about "cultural attachment theory". Here is the initial description of her presentation:

"Cultural attachment is a philosophy, which encapsulates how an individual bonds to his or her culture. Cultural attachment creates a direct spiritual force, where the bond begins, develops, and evolves for the individual. In Anishinaabemowin, cultural attachment is expressed as wiidamaagowiziwinan. This means the deep connection between the individual and their spiritual connection to their Creator through his or her access to cultural structure. Cultural attachment is a life-giving philosophy, as it instills life force energy into an individual.

Cultural attachment has remained in Aboriginal worldview because as Aboriginal people there exists the genetic memory of the ancestors, this is called gichi Anishinaabe aadizokaan(an) / gagiikwewewin(an). This genetic memory is the spirit of Aboriginal people"

I enjoy it so much as I am a worker in the education system and see so many symptoms of the disruption of the spiritual bond between Anishinaabe children and their ancestral culture. It has given me a lot of ideas and a strengthened philosophical foundation to keep doing what I do ... because when I see those children hold a Drum or cleanse with Sage or see a Medicine Wheel, there is a light that flicks on in their eyes!
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