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Old 04-03-2020, 04:44 PM
Lioness Lioness is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2020
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Tracy1
I was reading about ligers and tigons only yesterday. But these were physically on earth. Id never even thought of it before but got the urge to look it up. I was told I am a Lyron but have been seeing a massive white tiger lately. I have seen what I would call cat people but they had striped faces. I am unsure about your situation am wondering if it could be a message that you have incarnated as a tiger in one life and a lion in another? I hope you get the answer.

trace x

Whenever i feel depressed and i think of myself as a leopardlike being i feel very very good , Lion & tigers and Other cats works too, but im at my best as a leopard! 🤔
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