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Old 13-07-2020, 07:27 PM
AnotherBob AnotherBob is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 271
We habitually compare and contrast our concept of ourselves with our concept of the "other". A fictional person regards another fictional person -- this not only happens in cyberspace, but face to face too. Things typically complicate from here, short and long-term causes and effects alternate and cascade. Values and biases develop, based upon myriad conditioning factors modifying themselves ceaselessly. In this psycho-physical realm, they appear to amount to an actual person, but that would be a weak-sighted assumption. Go further, focus the lens of perception without interpretation, because even though the plot may thicken, the implications are already clear -- they're a big glowing neon sign hung across the conceptual freeway we're collectively driving down at dusk, texting hands-free into the oncoming night.