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Old 05-07-2020, 01:58 PM
AaronStar AaronStar is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 93
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Oh come on. It's all excuses. We all know the BASIC stuff about good and evil.
When you do something that makes others feel bad, it's obviously not a thing we should do.
But we achieved to create a mastery of disilusions where we excuse our bad deeds by presenting them as their opposite good idea, so know we have no clue what we are doing.
This is how propaganda works.
God loves you unconditionally!... so burn in hell and before that, we will make sure to rape your entire village and accelerate your entrance in hell bon voyage hehehe
Men shouldn't cry!... so as a father I'll hit my child in order to traumatise it for eternity and so he will hit his wife and offspings as well..
and so on..
just call a bad thing with the good words and confusion somehow magically prevails and convinces people they do good with bad
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