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Old 08-05-2012, 07:59 AM
Truth_Seeker Truth_Seeker is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 85
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
The issues you face with speaking of spirit and the spirit world in terms beyond vibration is your ability to relate to it through familiar association. In a sense you would have to invent new words in the English language to facilitate a better more accurate description. Yet you cannot invent such words because you have not yet experienced anything beyond what you know as vibration to attach such words to. The trouble with trying to define and describe that which is beyond the physical is that you actually have to apply other forms of language that are closer in frequency to what you are relating to.

The problem with applying words to the true nature of what one may call vibration is that by applying such words and definitions you immediately limit your understanding of it to that label. It can no longer be anything more than that because you have now labelled it as this.

The most accurate understanding of what energy is, and what vibration is, is that it is conscious intent. Though intent is just another word, it will actually open many other doorways of understanding that the word energy or vibration can offer. Energy is movement. Vibration is movement. Intent is movement (or what you may define as choice or action). When your conscious intent is more aligned to your heart and spirit you are said to have a higher vibration. Ask yourself why this is so. What has intent got to do with vibration?

All life is conceived through the transfer of energy, the transfer of vibration, and the transfer of intent.

What do you do when you act on intent? You give of yourself outward; you expand yourself and your energy outward. Intent is motion and energy transference. Your loving intent is giving your energy outward, allowing it to be free and grow. You yourself are creating vibration through your thoughts, words and actions. Another word for this is expansion, or creation.

When you attune yourself to a higher vibration of the spirit world, you are attuning yourself to a greater degree of expansion, or of creation. More of who and what you are becomes more expanded. Your memory expands, your knowledge and wisdom expands, your creative possibilities expand.

When you look deeper into your cellular state within your physical body you will begin to detect everything speeding up. Something within you is causing immense movement and facilitating intense expansion of energy. It is facilitating degrees of creation. As you go deeper within yourself, and this can be translated in more than one way, you will actually discover more of your core vibration, or your true Self. What is causing this expansion, this creation, is the power of intent. The intent inherent within consciousness is causing particles and subatomic particles to respond to it. The behaviour of those energy properties inherent within the original universal structures is dependant upon the information given to them by the interaction of your conscious state. This is also the same in the spirit world. Your vibration in the spirit world, and the vibration of what you experience as ‘places’ in the spirit world are all created from the intention of conscious interaction. This is to say, everything which exists does so because someone or something has intended for it to exist.

To this effect, when studying vibration, or speaking of it, one has to take into account the state of intent, and of whose or what intent is interacting with that energy for it to be there in the first place.
Other words we can use then to describe vibration are intention, expansion and creation.

Love as always, in all ways.

Thanks for this Sparrow I found this very interesting.
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