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Old 19-09-2019, 08:33 AM
Siemens Siemens is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 202
Originally Posted by iamthat
And yet so few people seem to be genuinely permanently happy or fulfilled.
First: How can you know how happy other people are? What you say is just a self-righteous prejudice. You can’t look inside other people’s mind. Secondly, how many people that are spiritual fail to be happy? I think there are many too.
Thirdly, even if a worldly life couldn’t lead to genuine and long-term happiness (what I do not believe), leading such a life could be exactly what our higher-selves want. If we as souls choose physical experiences in order to develop, it is just conclusive to conclude that our transformation will be the more intense the more of these experiences we make.

The following quote supports my view:

Originally Posted by HITESH SHAH
Hinduism divides the life in 4 stages[...]
Brahmacharyashram (Life of student - to be dedicated solely to the pursuit of learning devoid of pleasures inappropriate for their age/student life ),

Gruhasthashram (Life of householder - full of pleasures and also responsibilities - this stage may have more pleasures of course through rules of game as aforesaid ) ,

Vanprasthashram (Getting ready to retire from worldly pleasure / duties and returning to the society what u gained from it )

Sanyasashram ( Being ready to merge in non-physis / spirit for next journey onward ) .
According this belief experiencing worldly pleasure and making other forms of worldly experiences are an essential part in the course of our evolution. Orienting oneself back toward non-physic experiences is just the last step in the journey of many incarnations. If we as souls choose worldly experiences in order to develop, it is just conclusive to conclude that our transformation will be the more intense the more and longer we make these worldly experiences.