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Old 02-10-2011, 08:23 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mattie
It’s very useful to vet any & all nonphysical beings that contact us including those that present as benevolent, teachers, or guides. I’m highly suspect the being who told you that ‘There are no real astral beings’ was giving you some bogus information. If this was true, what was this being????? You note this, virtually answering your own question, w/, ‘However, for this guy to have even spoken to me in such a way says that there are real beings that reside there...’

The stalled 4D jokers can impersonate any type of being, so it is important to vet all beings that contact us.

Vetting Nonphysical Entities-

You do have a point, but what he had explained would make a lot of sense. The problem I have with the astral is that I have a hard time reading the intent of something. A being can easily lie to you, give off a good feeling, and appear as something to be trusted. There is too much freedom in the astral, and a being can easily take advantage of this and deceive you. Judging by all the people who 'channel loving astral beings' keep getting conflicting information.. How are you supposed to judge when a being does not try to frighten you, appears friendly, and offers a piece of information that is potentially true?
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