Thread: Telepathic TF
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Old 03-03-2018, 09:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Kendaru
I wouldn't call it intermittent at all. I can tune in whenever and find her right away. It takes me zero effort to channel her (or any of my guides, really). When I say I'm "blocking the connection," it's not whether I'm able to make contact, it's whether I can reliably "hear" the information. When I was still new to this (or if I'm really tired or otherwise drained), it can be hard to make out details of very specific information, especially if it's something about the physical - and that might be where my doubt is playing in. I have no worries about overcoming it, though - I feel like we're really, really close to a breakthrough.
Thank you for the clarification.

It was from a mailing list I signed up for called "Twin Flames 11:11 by Cassady Cayne." I'll be honest, I haven't vetted it enough yet to know whether they're just trying to sell something. It was the first I'd ever heard of the concept myself, so if it feels wrong it just might be bunk.

I'm afraid I found Ms Cayne one of those who may make some people feel better about "love" by raising hopes but gives the New Age Industry a negative slant. Twin Flame Energy Kit!? Kit? I mean....seriously? As usual her ideas are full of factoids (things presented as facts that aren't) various contradictions and assumptions. They say these are HER belief, not facts.

I found the site more of an off-put when I was enquiring into this peculiar "phenomenon"..... I mean, "Your personality and early life experiences were deliberately chosen by you and your twin as souls to engineer the kind of challenges you desired"??? - Not true. Makes far too many assumptions and speculations....... I, for one, don't have a twin. I didn't choose my early life.

She's there making money all right. You have to go to the bottom of the page to find out what she costs.
Total Vibrations something-or-other: 11 PDF Classes at $39 each = $429 | 6 Audio Clearing Energy Tools at $37 each = $222 Total $651.

But, who knows, the lovelorn may just meet their twin flame - or get a lot of interesting times - for $651.

She means well. She seemed to inspire a few people although some of the testimonials look iffy, so if you have the money at least you've tried!
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