Thread: Crystals
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Old 12-10-2006, 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Hey all,

I've been getting into crystals lately and have made some astonishing discoveries with the ones I've been using.

The first ones that I bought were Black Labradorite and Hematite. The Black Labradorite seems to make me very attuned to the higher realms and quite spaced out. It feels really powerful and I can definitely feel the palms of my hands throbbing when I hold it. The hematite is good for grounding and has allowed me to tune back into normal everyday reality. My problem for a long time was that I did a lot of spiritual practise without grounding, and ended up losing my grip on reality. I was very disoriented and not able to fully react to everyday situations, so hematite has been literally a lifesaver for me.

The other stone that I am working with is Moss Agate which I was drawn to because it was deep green, very naturey and healing. It's also related to the heart chakra, and I am working on meditating on the heart at the moment. Moss Agate seems very stimulating when I sleep with it under my pillow..

Next, I am looking forward to working with Blue Lace Agate, for the throat chakra, also Sodalite for meditation and for easing the spiritual process.