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Old 28-09-2012, 04:15 AM
Posts: n/a
All excellent points... yet I feel we cannot truly understand how one
might feel when in another dimension and how we might view earthlife from that timeless perspective.

Sorta like signing up for a 3 yr Army hitch in exchange for free college.
It might seem like a good deal, to advance ourselves spiritually and move to an even nicer level of the afterlife, closer to "perfection" by returning,,, or better, going to another, less warlike planet for life experience.

We are so easily influenced by peers, our milieu while on earth..I'm certain in the afterlife our earthly feelings about earthlife might seem childish, immature, selfish.
I certainly don't care to come back however....and would love a more peaceful, sane place where beauty, love, harmony was valued.

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