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Old 20-10-2006, 10:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Really great points Dariel and very correct about the Star Seeds and Wanderers and others like them. I've remembered what could easily be called "past lives" but they were "lives" or focus points that were inbetween being physically incarnate. In other words, like you said, there's many different states or locations where we can live and learn. We're far larger and more complex multidimensional beings than just linear physical beings who only 'learn' while in that one state/realm at a time.

As you said, some of these 'famous' past lives that many people claim to have all had, are had in nonphysical realms (like dreams) so that the info and learnings can be gained but not take a whole physical lifetime to live out nor create extra karma from having physically lived them themselves. We do this sort of thing a lot in our nightly dream lives also and for the same reasons.