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Old 26-09-2016, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a

Divine guidance - 9 Support.
This week asks you to be strong for others, somebody (or thing) needs you to support them fully. This may feel as though you may need to have strength and balance to bear the extra weight that is placed upon you, but your shoulders are broad and strong enough to do it.

Main theme - Queen of Coins
There is a caring, sharing energy around you this week. Offering your hand to others to join you in what you have comes from a desire to assist those who you feel would benefit.

Assisting energy - VIII Strength
A feeling of gentle patience coupled with determination. Knowing you can turn what may seem unapproachable to others just needs a gentler approach.

Thwarting energy - XVIII The Moon
Oooh a touch of paranoia, a feeling that there are ulterior motives and that you haven't been told the 'whole story'. Don't allow these feelings to squash your compassion. Regardless of reason, you are being asked for help.
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