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Old 12-04-2012, 08:43 PM
Mind's Eye
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Occultist
True enough I will never stand by and encourage suicide no matter how enlightened I get. As a matter of fact the more enlightened I get the more I believe in staying clear of suicide. Telling others its okay to kill themselves is wrong. Many people want other to say that nobody is right or nobody is wrong but that is not completly the truth there is correct and incorrect an good and bad balance a yin and yang,male and female. Why would you think tellling a mom who is postpardom suicidal to kill themselves there baby will be fine without them? Or a child leaving there parents heartbroken?
These are people we are all connected Suicide is never the answer and we as enlightened humans should not be encouraging it we know nothing about these people.

I agree... It seems that the term "enlightened" has taken on a very different meaning in the modern age, and I'm not sure that I agree with it at all. I don't think that the spiritual way was meant to be so airy and passive that it never takes a stand on what is right, wrong, correct or incorrect action. We as human beings in this plain of existence have choices to make; we just can't shrug everything off as being different paths for different individuals. I have read schools of thought where people who think this way say that pedophiles have a right to their desires and path as well... I think this kind of philosophy is crossing the line into some very dark territories and it will not lead its followers anywhere good.
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