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Old 31-12-2016, 12:59 AM
Clover Clover is offline
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Originally Posted by Delsol
I also like Capricorns. My mother is one, as was a mother-figure who took me under her wing when I lived in a foreign country - she taught me the language, was so kind, we laughed so much together - there was a special bond. These are the only two Cappys I've known with any depth, and they have this in common: both are forces to be reckoned with energetically. They do before dawn what takes others all day. They seem to have endless creativity and ideas for projects, but they don't just think about them, they manifest them, build stuff - make things happen. Inexhaustible. They are willful. Their way or the hiway! But I suspect this is because they have such a clear vision of what they want to take place. At the same time, they are generous with their talents and gifts, nurturing, willing and eager to share a good thing.

Tripple like

Capricorn is 'Yang' dominant/ masculine energy. On the flip side, I think Capricorn can also be a very 'harsh' sign, one who can easily detach from emotion (which makes them great bosses and Corporate climbers too). Loyalty and trust is incredibly significant to Capricorns. It's also a sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of karma & authority. Capricorn is also The Devil Card in Tarot; reminds you to balance the Yin and Yang energy. This card also reminds you that the only person that holds you hostage to your circumstances/obsessions/addictions are you. So keep that Devil over your shoulder in check Capricorns aren't afraid to dip low to their deep dark space. In fact, many find comfort in being alone for long periods of time. They are significant thinkers in this solitude. Hence, the goat treading alone in the mountains. I can imagine it being challenging dating one( particularly the males) especially if your not use to being alone or are very needy.

However, I say once you dig way deep into a Cappy's heart ( if a Caps ever lets you get there pffff ) you wont regret it. We love deep and are devoted and eternally loyal to that one person. Unless, of course you cross one the wrong way, than your pretty much on the deceased and decay list. Again, loyalty is everything to a Cappy. This isn't a hot and fast sign, it's a very grounded Earth sign. Yes, I know generalizations brought to you by generalizations

For those who have Saturn or Capricorn in their charts
Being Ruled by Saturn

Saturn is all about karma. It’s the planet with a conscience, the one that reminds you, even when you don’t want to hear it, that everything you do has a cumulative effect on your soul. What kind of mark do you want to make on the world, and how do you want to be remembered? Saturn urges you to take these questions seriously, buckle down and get to work. Saturn rules the conscientious signs of Capricorn and Aquariu
Saturn is thought of as the taskmaster planet because of its stern and sometimes guilt-inspiring influence in our lives. Whereas Venus and Jupiter make life easier and more fun, Saturn keeps you in check, reminding you that all play and no work would leave you both homeless and penniless! If you relate to the feeling that you’re not working hard enough in life, that’s probably Saturn’s influence in your chart. This planet operates kind of like a parental figure, one that can be a little too severe at times. After all, there is certainly a time and place to be carefree; to forget your responsibilities and just enjoy yourself

it's a lot of work loving one, give up now while you can! LOL!
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