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Old 10-12-2006, 03:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Well Hania, I believe the issue of grounding oneself can be either simple or complex, depending on your perspective. You may already know that after a meditation or a psychic exercise, a person should ideally ground themselves. There is actually a variety of ways in which this can be done. I have listed these below:

1. Use visualisation to ground yourself.
2. Eat food.
3. Have a bath as being immersed in water is grounding.
4. Physical exercise.

I believe that a person who is psychic needs to ground their energies. I am not saying it is a necessity but I know that many people who do not do this, regularly say they have experiences or feelings that they cannot control.

I believe grounding basically works on the principle that a psychic/clairsentient/clairvoyant/clairaudient etc, will quite naturally spend a 'lot of time in their head', constantly analysing what impressions they are picking up from the environment around them etcetra.

Therefore, to ground oneself by any of the above listed techniques, will help that person to remember they are also a physical being with earthly challenges. By grounding, a person will feel more connected to Earth, thereby helping them to cope with psychic experiences far more easily and also helping them to manifest helpful experiences/overcome challenges in their life.
