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Old 31-03-2011, 06:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Since I was little well since I could remember...Ive been into faeries do collectables,make faerie gardens in my back garden hang round with faeries,dream them,I do faerie meditation..everything about faeries I LOVE and mother nature..Ive never been to Ireland before and since I was young as I can remember, I had a wird connection that I could relate too with Ireland on a high spiritual connection,like thats where I should belong to with my partner and my 2 children .. not in warrington full of pollution and people who are ignorrant and close minded.its like everytime I just have abit of me time or go for walks to feed the ducks with my family my counciousness and heart and love just wonders to routing to the connection to thats where I belong..that theres something there where I neeed to be to accomplish a spiritual and my partner have been planning last year to visit Ireland for at the end of this year,which im really excited about,and who knows if I might accomlish something when I am over there.I just excited exploring Ireland when I travel over there and do my faerie meditation and hopefully meet a faerie in this reality instead of meeting them in my dreams.
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