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Old 30-03-2011, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Boldylocks
Never say never-- you may see one some day. I actually prayed God would allow me to meet one if they exist and then on 5/31/08--early that morning I saw one resting in my hair- face to face. She did not look like Tinkerbelle or how I imagined Faeries should look like- but I understand that there are so many kinds of these Beings so who am I to say.

She was very delicate and thin-- her face was beautiful-- but yet did not look human. She had large oval wide-set eyes that tilted up and were totally dark chocolate brown --(no irises, they were all brown) and she had soft light cocoa brown skin, a high forehead and high cheekbones, a delicate nose, lips and chin. It appeared as though if she had hair, that it was pulled up off of her head, and she looked very regal-- as though she was someone of position with her People.

She never said a word, but I stared at her in shock for like 2 minutes. We had a family crisis that weekend, and she was actually looking at me while resting in my hair with total empathy- as though she was feeling my emotional pain with me- sharing it. Her face was totally peaceful and calm. After me gawking at her for several seconds, she realized I could see her and seemed a bit shy -- I dont think they generally like calling attention to themselves and are not used to us humans seeing them off guard .

All I know was , I will never forget her face, and have never seen another faery like that since that time. After I saw her, I scoured the internet and Barnes & Noble for books and anything anyone saw similar. Brian Froud really seems to have tapped into these Beings, --I noticed his depiction of the Pixies is very close to the beautiful Being I saw, only she was not as wiry looking, and had a humility about her as well as royalty.

I have seen flying lights zoom about which I knew were not fireflies since then- and I have felt their presence and have seen them direct animals --even butterflies and dragonflies to show me different things, but I have not seen one so clearly as that since that day- which I believe was something special God permitted for me-- opening a part of the "veil" so I could see we humans are not the only ones on this planet.

Even though I seen Faeries in my dreams and know that they are real in the dreaming world and they exisit in different realitys...but would love to see one up close in this reality... but i can never say that iv not met one when i have but on a different vibration from a different realm.
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