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Old 25-07-2017, 02:56 AM
Aquamarine Aquamarine is offline
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When our bodies are in constant "alert," releasing the kind of hormones that keep us in that mode of continuous hyperarousal, our sleep begins to become interrupted, depression sets in, chronic stomach problems and so on. This has so often become the new norm.

This is why things like massage is so important because we do not really shut down physically and rest. Many people have lost touch with the ability to truly give their bodies permission to rest, they can not get there without help. So they need someone to show them what it feels like because they've perhaps never felt it in their entire lives. Living like this for long periods of time will cause a persons immune system to break down as well as a whole host of other problems. So it has been proven to be harmful to live with this kind of stress that, as I said, has become too often considered normal in todays society.

I got massages for years every week because I came from a past that as a child my growing up situation was such that I had to always be hypervigilant so I had no idea what it was like to rest. So when I wanted to rest, I would in my mind recreate the massage and I would achieve the calm feeling to be able to sleep.

Massage is not the only way to attain that type of calmness and well being but I do also think that working with the muscular system, skeletal system is very healthy for your body and feelings are stored in the body, including muscles and various points as well. There are times that I can not work out something in my body any other way than massage. Other people mentioned reflexology, I get my feet done too and it hurts like hell (it does for me anyway) and I hate it but its good for you so I do it anyway. Personally I like deep muscle massage, though I tell them if they're killing me-theres a point where the pressure is too much. Those stones are nice too, the hot stones they put on your back. Its just a little treat, but its pleasant, makes your muscles relaxed.
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