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Old 08-02-2016, 10:34 PM
RyanWind RyanWind is offline
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Originally Posted by ian77
Anyone have any ideas on this subject? This question could unlock our future.

You asked if "we" have free will. What are we?

Are we the thoughts and decisions produced by the super computer known as our brain? Scientists have discovered that thoughts appear in our brains BEFORE we are conscious of them. That means "we" as consciousness has nothing to do with the production of thoughts.

So when a thought is offered to consciousness, like I want to order a hamburger, where is the free will? Your brain, with it's memories and habits determines what you do.

If you somehow become some kind of mystic and transcend your thoughts, then the characteristics of your consciousness will determine your actions.

Seems to me the only free choice is if we follow our thoughts or we transcend them.

For a choice to be truly free, one has to know every choice in that moment that is possible. If you only know the choices presented by your mind, you choice is limited by your mind.
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