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Old 02-11-2013, 03:20 AM
Sorai Rai Aorai Sorai Rai Aorai is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 661
Dear Sparrow,

Hi. What's up?

Are there practices in the Spirit World similar to the Shen Shing Qigong I practice here? Or anything analogous/homologous? I hope to continue with this kind of thing. Also, are others from our lineage still developing and practicing Shen Shing energy cultivation in the Spirit World?

For reference, here is a newly posted video of Tim doing one variation of our Qigong:

Also, today I had a pouchoscopy, a diagnostic test for my J-pouch. We are running out of options for treatment. However, I find myself happy. I am happy that this suffering and the suffering of being in this world could end. It would be of natural causes. Some people understand how I feel, and some don't. It is easier for many people to be in denial and insist I will survive on Earth. When I check with my inner self, earlier today I didn't get a clear answer, but now it seems to be happy about it too. I'm not saying I will stop trying any treatments that my team comes up with. However, will you support me in my feelings?

Love, Justin
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