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Old 11-03-2024, 01:12 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 804

This story begins in1975 I visited my friend in hospital who was there because
of alcoholism , I helped him get a job with me on the railway when he was
discharged from hospital. He seemed ok for a while then broke down again
and ended up back in hospital, he ran of the ward and was killed by a train.
He left a wife and two kids. I heard his voice days after saying sad and desperate things, I had to ask and pray he be comforted and settled in his
astral home. I felt guilty about it for getting him a job with me.

Now we move onto 1982 and i was working in a half way house for alcoholics
and drug addicts. I married for a second time and we bought a house in
Sidmouth Devon. Here is where things got weird, the first night in our new
home we went to bed made love and then I had this vivid experience of that
Howard my friend who was killed by the train was now going to be reborn in
my wife and that I was going to be his father.

Sure enough my wife was pregnant and she gave birth to our son who we
called James. I have never told my wife or son about this and never will
When James was five years old my wife asked me to leave the house as the
marriage was over.

I said goodbye to my son and left, we did keep in touch till he was a teen
then he did not want to see me anymore, its been years since I last saw him.
His mother has since died, James knows nothing about this, and never will.

I just wanted to share this story to relieve the guilt and unrest I felt about
feeling responsible for my friends death. It is a incarnation story with a

blessings michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick
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