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Old 07-03-2018, 03:50 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Dreaming in Love


I am in love but I think too much.... Accepting that i am loved and capable of love and being happy. Or more like I am impatient and I want to hurry up and get this secret admirer thing over and having mode swings lol. More love than disbelief that this person loves me back. I stay focused on being positive and id say its going great so far but still disbelief creeps in every now and then. Anyways to the story...

I really like this girl and have so since i met here 3 or 4 years ago. Possibly she started to show her affection but i wasnt privy to it becuase we are both innocent haha. Anyways i recently started doing this secret admirer thing and it is the only way I am talking to her right now since i am playing as if i have stopped liking her or atleast thats my plan... Lol she probally saw through it day one. Anyways i had an interesting dream with her the other night... I told her through metaphor of our past life toghether many thousands of years ago lol before my "fall into darkness" lol long story.

The dream....

It started out as a dream merging into this dream or possibly a cut scene. I think inwas flying around some small dog... Noy sure about this part as it seemed random. We were flying around this huge victorian Mansion in a large multi acre front yard. I flew over the large wall and closer to the house. I landed and dropped the dog off. (This beginning part is cloudy as i was just going through the dream) I think i started to intwract with a 2nd animal possibly a cat but not sure. These were positive, playful interaction.

Something caught my attention as I heard a beautiful voice singing some opera song. It sounded similar to ave maria but i was still kind of distracted with a think a converaatuon with this 2nd animal. I went to investigate as i went into this victorian house. I flew in theough the 2nd floor and i saw thw person who was singing. It was the wonderful lady that I am in love with. Not only was she singing this song outloud and so beatifully but she was also flying. I sae her just land on a leaf of a tree that was in that court yard. She had just turned to face me but she was singing with her eyes closed or possibly looking down but since she was facing my direction i ducked. I went to go ginish what i was doing but i am noy sure what i was doing because i was to busy captivated by not only the sight of this all but the sounds and the whole idea...... Of why she was in my dream again.

Our relationship thus far has been a strange one by normal human terms thats for sure. I notmally have conversations with people in the astral realm or dream states and they tell me what they cannot say in real life or what they are afraid to say. With her i have had many dreams but all random and even times when i had not spoken to her for months. Only when it seemed as if i was unintentionally letting her go did i pull off the courage to go forward with finally confessing my love to her. Before you judge me.... I love her. I feel her vibration within my heart. As a very sexually active person i would not even dare think of her in a perverted way. When i would think of her it would seem as if someone or something inside of me was helping me keep my thoughts pure. How you ask.... Well somethimes on my tinder excursions i would contemplate thw differences in feeling i would have of other girls vs the girl i love. In so i was realizing not only the origination of these thoughts in respect to which chakra they were stimulating and etc. Even not its kinda like i wont even have a sex dream as i would be cheating on her very soul.... Sounds strange and im confused about it tooo...

Back to the dream....

I went back for something not quite sure but i realized that i had a mouthful of water and a vitamin that i had not swallowed yet. I was going back to enjoy her singing as i went to the window to watch. As i did this she was coming in and i hid behind this fancy victorian chair that looked like a love seat.. Lol anyways she saw me and she came around the side of the chair... She asked were you watching me just now.... I couldn't even amswer as my mouth was still full and i had not swallowed yet. She was cheerful but as i motioned to her i had somwthing in my mouth she started to walk away as if she was busy with something.

I did not perceieve this as a negative sign but i really wish i could of told her what really happened instead.

I woke up.

2nd or 3rd dream.....?

I had fell back to sleep after drinking some water haha perhaps i was just thirsty....

I appeared in a closet and it was dark.... This girl that i recognize as a good friend of hers who she shared many adventures with when they lived over seas in brazil opened the door. She said something to me but i couldn't hear her as she spoke really low just above a whisper. I heard beautiful singing again but this time playing over an acoustic guitar. I came out the closet and there my love was again..... Twice in one night?!

She was kinda surprised but still happy. I dont know what happened next as it seemed as if my attention wondered upon these 2 birds that came swooping in. They had landed next to me and i watched. Therw was a cat that came and tryied to get out 1 of the birds who i percieved as a female bird. The male bird opened his wings to deflect the cats advances. I started to look around as i saw a white cougar exit an apartment like 60ft away. Then i heard the roar of a bear as it too had just came out. This was very interesting and i wondered what this all meant. I saw other animals too but the bear and the white cougar are what remained in my memory.

I woke up feeling really happy... I was in some kind of mood that i am not familar with... At least in this life. My heart was on fire though but in a good way. I felt the urge to listen to sacred music after this. I was off in my own mind all day... Cintemplating... What this could all mean

Thanks for reading.... I will fix typos later.
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