Thread: Addictions
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Old 05-12-2019, 05:56 PM
linen53 linen53 is offline
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Please forgive me for not attending to all of your thoughts on this subject. I've had a family tragedy that I'm still adjusting to.

I think the one thing I am learning in this life is to just Be. Be me. Not make excuses for my actions. But not harm others either any more than I have to. But to find happiness in the corners of my world where I can. Lord knows there is enough misery for all of us on a daily basis.

JustBe, sad to say but the people who need mental health plans in place usually can't afford them. Are they really weak? Is a person with bipolar disorder for example, really a weak person? Is there really such a thing as an addictive personality as some claim (those are two separate questions, not related to each other)?

BigJohn, the story of your grandfather profoundly touched me. Starting with making opium and later marijuana illegal it took away our dignity to decide for ourselves what we want. I was watching Dr Phil, a psychologist talk show host who "fixes" people. This woman was on some kind of prescription drug that made here happy. Well, Dr Phil had to "fix" that. She needed to deal with her "issues" and be miserable like the rest of society. I boo'd him.

hallow, I agree. We all have our own means of coping. I prefer to just say we are just being who we are. Doing what we can to scrape the sharp points off.

davidson, I wonder where the lesson ends and the next step, the assessment begins. And the healing. When the assessment is over then what? We sit and twiddle our thumbs waiting for the next lesson? Waiting for that second shoe to fall. It's an endless cycle. Whether there is an addiction or not, lessons will come whether we want them or not. And addiction can merely lessen the pain, not avoid it.

Shivani, I so enjoy your thoughts in everything you say. I know you had an addiction to weed, I wasn't aware of the continuing struggles you have had with the rest. Wow! It makes my head spin. Now that is what I call a strong person!! Yep, double exclamation marks. There must be something in the Hatha Yoga for you to keep fighting. Can I ask you, what if the person doesn't consider an addiction as being stuck?

Anala, beautiful words. I see your grace in what you have witnessed. What if the "missing the mark" is where that person wants to go? Does missing the mark mean they did something wrong? What if they don't want to 'turn around'. What if they just say, no more? Life isn't always about doing the right thing in my opinion. It's about being human.
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