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Old 19-09-2018, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by God-Like
Yes I agree, self enquiry is what can cut through the mustard lol, the carrot that dangles in such a way where you keep moving inch by inch towards it ..

There is a time where we are drawn within to understand and realise what we are and what we are is all about ..

There is the magic and beauty also in not knowing and having wonder is wonderfully creative and imaginative ..

Is it not enough to simply exist you ask ..

For those whose existence is full of suffering I would say not at a point where enough is enough .. ..

x daz x
Sometimes all we have to do is create the space and not fill it with anything else, nature abhors a vacuum so let it do it thing. We can fill our heads with 'I am this' and 'I an not that' but that keeps out the really good stuff. Never really liked mustard, horrible stuff.

We're all looking to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, often that bigger is the bigger selves within us but do we like what we see or do we cover that in mustard, and ketchup?

The magic and beauty is hard to find nowadays but if you know where to look it's still there. So we become Gods in amnesia because only humans can have the imagination and see the Universe through the wondrous eyes of a child, Spirit already knows and why take this particular Journey to know what is already known?

It is not for us to say at what point does enough become enough of suffering unless that suffering is our own. Others have made their choices the same as we have and for some, even though they might say enough is enough the suffering still continues. I have a couple of friends in the Philippines, one of whom had their home washed away in a typhoon when she was a child. Another lives near a river, idyllic in nice weather but terrifying when the raging water is a few feet from the front door.

If this is what concerns us deeply there's nothing coming over us. Perhaps the "To who/whom does" is becoming more lost. The answers are all around, G-L.
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