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Old 15-09-2018, 12:16 AM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Missouri
Posts: 270
Leaving Clues (or something) Across Lives

Has anyone in previous lives left your future self clues or something significant from your past life? Or is anyone thinking of leaving your future self clues from this life for your future life to discover? I'm namely talking about material things, but out-of-the-box concepts can apply as well.

I've only heard of the Dalai Lama doing this. However, I have been interested in the idea. Has anyone been successful in this way? If you were successful, can you share what strategy you used to find your "clue" or information from a previous lifetime? What kinds of things did you discover in the process?

Also, if you are interested in this idea, feel free to comment/post.
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