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Old 10-07-2014, 08:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Raven Poet
I wonder if it's an age thing - being afraid of the afterlife. I used to be, but as I've gotten older I feel closer to the beautiful world of spirit waiting for me to come home.

Maybe when we are younger we cling to life; but as we get older we realize death is a friendly passageway to peace and comfort. At least, if we have done our spiritual development work. I know other people my age who are afraid of dying, people who I don't see to be so spiritually in tune and are very much entangled in all the temporary pleasures of this physical world like fancy possessions, body, food and drink, sex, etc.

But then again, maybe when my time comes, I'll be digging my claws into my own deathbed going "Uh-uh, I wanna stay here!"

I just hope my Dad comes to me as an usher for my journey home!

I think we all grow older,we accept that physical death may not be far away.
I've lived my life as best as I can,just getting a little wearier of all the problems in that life. I just can't wait!...
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