Thread: Forgiveness
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Old 23-05-2011, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Uma
What a wonderful quote! Thanks for sharing jjj It says that there is a component to forgiveness that is a longing to change the past, and living with "what if" and all the self-blame/guilt tripping that goes with it. So that tells me there giving "myself" may need to be part of forgiving the other. It makes sense...

Maybe we can come up for some affirmations or prayers for this

Good idea. Something to the effect of "I live today with a conscious awareness of the gifts around me." or "I give thanks for all of the wonderful things that are drawn into my life." or "I am fully responsible for my feelings and release everything that is no longer mine.", "I now release all that no longer serves me."

We all do what we can with the tools that we have at any given time. Sometimes horrible things are done because people don't have the tools to handle things any better. It DOES NOT mean condoning these acts or saying, "It's OK". It's not OK, but it is healthy for my soul to let go of that which does not belong to me.
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