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Old 09-08-2018, 02:46 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Now, I consider myself to be rather intelligent, but there's this one video that I have watched six times already and it totally does my head in every single time...and I am no closer to understanding it after six times than I was after the first time I saw it:

I'm still stuck on how nothing is 'real' outside my mind when my senses say otherwise and also how many people can perceive the same thing if nothing really exists outside the mind.

As a spiritual person, I can understand how everything is connected at the atomic or sub-atomic level, but there are still distinctions between 'self' and 'other' and between 'subject' and 'object' and about existing and orienteering my position within space and time, when all of that is just a product of my mind...and I cannot explain to myself how that can possibly be....and lordy, how I have tried because I want to know...I want to feel this.

Whenever I watch this video, I'm forever going "I don't get it...I WANT to get it, but I just don't get it". lol

Now I am wondering if this is basically only me, or do others also struggle with wondering if things exist ONLY because we see them or they wouldn't exist otherwise?....nope, don't get it.

So, if there are simple explanations for this, I am all eyes.

well from the book of thomas I get that Jesus thought there is both an inside and an outside. I'm going with Jesus on this as he seems to be the only evolved person in the past to share even a little of what he knew outside his own 'clan'... besides I tried the alternative once and didn't like it lol!

anyway it seems to me that one way you can resolve the maya/illusory problem against the idea of a shared external reality, is to just note that people may be each of us painting the external reality the way we want to see it, so that we've lost sight of what is really there. Some of the paintings especially from stronger people might bleed over as well, I dunno. The idea is kinda like, if one considers the eyes to be movie PROJECTORS instead of receiving light like we've been taught. And you sorta get some say in the programming?

This isn't as far fetched as you might imagine, if you look around it is easy to find people extolling the benefits of believing in yourself or believing in your ability to change this or believing this or that other beneficial thing all with the idea of learning to make the local reality conform to whatever they want it to be. As opposed to trying to accept it for what it is?

On a side note I noticed at a very young age for example that I had a tendency to read what I wanted into for examples signs on buildings. I had to train myself to look at it and digest it then it would turn into something that seemed more real? But admittedly I'm no longer sure which of those two things was any more real than the other. Probably, both were red herrings... incidentally I still sorta have that problem today... with things seeming different depending on how I look at them. But then again I've also sorta got a heisenburg uncertainty principle thing going on at the gross level so who knows?

Anyway if it were true that there is an outside world, but we paint what is there the way we want to see it rather than seeing it how it is, that would allow for the 'shared' reality we all somehow want to believe in while at the same time allowing for the maya/illusory reality that some of us know it to be as well. Rather than saying EVERYTHING is outside or EVERYTHING is inside, it might be kind of a combination of the two?

This also explains the 'veil' references which I'm sure you've heard... movie projector would make a good veil in addition to its maya-generation duties... and it also gives a convenient explanation for how to do 'miracles', e.g. just grow strong enough and knowledgeable enough to change paintings in ways not available otherwise? Although Jury is still out as to whether THAT notion has any merit lol!

there is probably other stuff I'm forgetting but that gives the general idea...

well that is my 2c on this topic.
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