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Old 04-07-2018, 12:11 AM
SerendipityLizard SerendipityLizard is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 420
Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
I'm aware what you mean and I don't fully disagree, though I don't really think my case is comparable to a toddler wanting to drink bleach. As long my want(s) aren't hurting anyone or myself, what's the big deal? Who or whatever that stands between me and my only wish really should just die off already and leave me alone, it's that simple.

Yes I do agree that to a point suffering in some way may be neccesary to grow. When traumas and endless torment are involved it's just plain evil if you ask me, whether a human or a godly being is the cause of it. I don't think there shouldn't be any suffering however, but I do think it should at least be backed up with justice since many victims of cruel fates are rather undeserving. I hope Michael isn't offended by what I'm about to say since he's so close with God, but from my point of view it's about time for God to wake up (if he exists) and take a good look at what's happening on this oversized mudball he created. Ah enough for now, I don't wanna give the impression of some stereotypical emo character from some random anime xD but you know what I mean I guess.

Oh no problem, Slayer. Haha, feel free to critique God as much as you’d like. Higher Beings aren’t as easily offended as human beings often think. They have no need for some formal respect for some status — your relationship to them can be as casual as you like.

Stereotypical emo anime character? Oh ho ho, as an anime fan, I agree. Some anime have the worst villains. xD. I believe your pessimism is a lot more complicated and in depth than those characters after all.

The human ideal of perfect happiness and joy isn’t the goal of God or the Source. In many beings’ experience, to reach some kind of stable joy, enlightenement or awakening is tiring. They still feel the need to experience more variety and change — to remain stagnant can be very frustrating, so many souls incarnate themselves to a lower vibration to start an entirely new cycle of their journeys again.

Human beings don’t seem to realize how perfection can parodixically be very unfulfilling to many beings. Joy is not the same as satisfaction. There is no satisfaction from growing over obstacles, problems and conflicts anymore. They have the choice to remain stagnant of course, but eventually, we all feel the need to change and experience the new.

This is why the Source allows it — it is their free will, and in humanity’s deepest soul’s desire, this is what they seek. But in this lowering themselves to gain flaws to grow out of, they also risk the inability to not be able to directly contact or be influenced by God’s abilites anymore. This is the same for us human beings, and even many Higher Beings as well.

We of course, rather that suffering doesn’t go too far, but the universe is more complicated than the idea that Higher Beings can control everything that happens.

Why does evil happen in this world? Not because Higher Beings aren’t all loving, but because they aren’t all powerful. This is why it’s neccessary to train us human beings to be independent in our soul’s journey and to think for ourselves — because they won’t always have the power to rush in and save everyone.

Haha, in my opinion, when people yap about embracing “love” and “acceptance” as justification for some kind of blind obedience to Higher Will, I would not believe them. Logical contradictions are logical contradictions, and every belief system with those flaws? I don’t believe them myself. Every single thing I believe in spiritually is out of self experimentation and questioning than faith.

I know from experience with having him around 24/7 that AA Michael can be wrong, so I’d appreciate us human beings to give feedback of our own combined opinions to the Higher ups. They are not the ones who are going through our human experience after all, and so they aren’t the ultimate deciders of our fate. They know what it’s like to have knowledge beyond us, but they don’t know what it’s like to have the lack of knowledge that we do.

I’m glad you’re doing the same.

Take care.


Last edited by SerendipityLizard : 04-07-2018 at 02:09 AM.
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