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Old 12-01-2018, 04:00 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Hello No question :)

I have astral projected multiple ways.... and 2 of the main ways I projected were through dreams and by doing it consciously..... These both feel different if you are really observant to it. I can tell you want thing it is very hard to concentrate on things in these higher realms without practice... I find it better to astral project consciously because your normal senses as well as your astral senses will be operating better with each other than if you astral projected through dreams.

What do they feel like:
Astral Projecting through Dreams is being super intoxicated and not completely being in control of your senses... and at the same time it is probably not good for you or the other astral people if you are doing it this way because you may think your still dreaming and you are unpredictable....

Astral projecting consciously you will feel as if you are in your real body but you will feel very light. like you are weightless and you will be aware of the sensation of emotions... A equilibrium state for feels like a steady breeze that covers my body at all times. As for a more detail in the sensations of emotions this means that you will really feel emotions strongly. If you have ever had a scary dream and felt completely scared or a happy dream and felt completely amazing that is the type of feelings you get with conscious projecting.

I think the secret to astral projecting is... having energy to project and not being sleepy when you try to do it otherwise you may fall asleep before you get there.... you are still using your consciousness to drive and if its sleepy.... you will fall asleep driving lol.. but your higher self will take over at that point so dont be afraid just a metaphor.. lol. Not like real life.

I think that your guardians or higher self may have done this to start you on your spiritual path... this was like a sample of fine cheese that piqued your curiosity as to the maker... and now you want to find who sells so that you can have it... So if you really want to do it... buy the books... read the books... practice the books... talk about it.... think about it.... day dream about it.... and it will happen.. because you have created a "desire"

Not to jinx you but if you accidentally had it and asked about it because you weren't able to do it again... you probably have to go that route to learning about it. Who knows lol :)

Good luck!
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