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Old 09-09-2017, 03:39 AM
baro-san baro-san is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 481
Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
I feel I need to revive this thread, as I just don't understand why there are quite some people having a radical Christian type NDE involving hell and judgment while other's don't. Either one of those is the truth and the other is a deception because why would God give people different types of NDEs?
"Over There" there's a though responsive environment: what you think, manifests immediately. If you believe there's a hell, then you'll find a hell. If you believe there's a certain God, you'll find that God. It will take a while until you'll liberate yourself from your beliefs.

From this perspective it is interesting to ponder about what will find one that thought there's nothing ... Most likely he will be confused, won't know that he died, and will face the brunt of his fears for a long while.
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