Thread: Deja Vu Events
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Old 14-06-2018, 01:10 AM
Unknownparadox Unknownparadox is offline
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Posts: 35
I have a particular sorta of Deja vu event, that I have over and over. It's feeling I have finally figured out what life all about. It passes quickly, and when its gone I feel as if I forgot what it was that I knew. But for a brief moment I was enlightened.

We live lives that are scripted. It is only our reactions that are not necessarily known. Perhaps that is what our lives are all about.
I have come to a very similar conclusion. Our lives are scripted. We may have a small effect on our reality but I don't think it's much if any. It appears our reactions to the universe is the reason we are here. I based that idea on the way the universe works, and the way our brains work. There is a single universe we all share. Each persons brain interprets it a little differently and possibly by a different method. Giving each person their own reality.

So two different people observing any particular event, will have two different realities. Although the event will be very similar to each person. Each person will feel different, think different, and act different, about that event. The most logical reason for this, is to get the maximum amount of reaction, feelings, thoughts, ect, from any event.
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