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Old 30-06-2020, 12:59 PM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 2,813
Another girl in danger

Two days ago I had this very vivid vision while meditating. I saw this young girl, she was a student and she was living where her university was. I think because she had no money, she was selling herself for sexual pleasures to other people. Then I saw this man with long hair and a very poor life style, he did not take care of himself at all. They met and they had a.. you know.... I think he gave her many and for that amount of money she... anyway...

Somehow he found where this girl was living, at that moment, there were no students there and he tried to force his way into the room of that girl and then she found herself in a struggle, but somehow found a way out of that place and she ran. He was going to rape her and probably take her life.

I saw her running through the main doors of that place and few moments later I saw this man going after her, he was like possessed by his lower primitive instincts and this is where my vision ended.

I remember that it was night when all of this happened. I even remember her room but I can not remember her face at all..
The truth.
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