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Old 06-04-2012, 04:48 PM
Miss Willow
Posts: n/a
How to know if there's a ghost??

Well, I've never personally witnessed a ghost and, as far as I'm concerned, have never sensed one either.

However, my three-year old nephew recently visited our family for a couple of weeks and some of his comments have made me wonder if our apartment isn't haunted. The first time he walked through the house he admitted, "I don't like it here." At the time this didn't concern us considering the factor of unfamiliarity.

Later, though, when he was back in his house with his family, he told us something over the phone that made us all wonder. He said, "I didn't like it there." When we asked him why, he responded, "I didn't like the man in Clare's room."

Clare is my two-year old niece who shares the room with her mother, my sister. There is no man in the house other than my father, who rarely sets foot in that room. When we asked him to elaborate, he wouldn't.

This isn't the first incident we've had, but it is the most blatant. Other events have been Clare looking off into blank space and saying, "she's pretty", and lights being turned on and off in that room.
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