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Old 01-02-2019, 06:23 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
Posts: 3,580
You have a lot of negative feelings about your job. This may be a sign that you are not where you should be and you need to move on. But unless your job is very highly paid you are unlikely to be in a position to get enough money to leave your job. You need some kind of income, otherwise you will just be replacing one stressful situation with another stressful situation. Will the universe suddenly provide a windfall so you can leave your job and do what you want? Who knows.

Working life is often about finding a balance between time and money. Some people have enough money but no time. Others have plenty of time but no money. Happiness is finding a balance.

One practical option is to find a new job where you are working fewer hours but you still earn enough to live on. This is unlikely to provide you with the money to set up your own business, but you will at least have time for Uni and leisure.

Another option is to actively seek a paid job in your field of design where you can make contacts and perhaps start using your own ideas.

Using the LoA can only help. Instead of focusing on all the things you dislike about your current situation, focus on how you would like your life to be in one year's time. And don't worry about the details of how this might happen - focus on the end result and the 'how' will take care of itself, whether through meeting new people or seeing an advert or whatever.

Good luck.
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