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Old 23-12-2011, 01:21 PM
Posts: n/a
Neville, can you tell me how one goes about " seeing and speaking to those loved ones " in a lucid dream ? Do I just go to sleep, with the intention of lucid dreaming and seeing and speaking to them ? That sounds too simple.

Dream Angel xx

Hello Dream Angel,

I tend very much to kick start the process of spirit communication in Lucid dreams by , prior to nodding off mentally picturing the person or persons I would like to communicate with, I also re hear their voice as i can remember it.

So that's stage One, get the folks in your head, you may also like to imagine into being, a setting/environment, one from actual memory or not, whatever you are comfortable with.

Then as you begin to doze, You will find yourself "going with it to begin with, but then , for me, the exchange takes on a life of it's own.

As I was saying elsewhere, once you focus . it's gone.. So the drifting, and being the casual observer is paramount. this is to do with that half awake , half asleep state that some call theta. Because theta is where dreams happen, where clairvoyance and clairaudience happens, where astral projection happens, and where lucid dreaming happens.

You might even have noticed , yourself, that when you are dozing off , you can see and hear stuff in your now expanded awareness. Or on the way back to wakefulness from sleep.

The Spirits of loved ones do seem better than that though . I was in a Supermarket queue not long ago today, and mentally(just put the thoughts out) invited my Mum to be with me this Christmas, and as God is my Witness, A Warm glow (that I often associate with a hug from spirit) came to my heart and emanated outwards through out my body.

I am seriously beginning to get the impression that in the very act of remembering/ thinking of them, we draw them to us, close in , next to us and within us. I also believe that once the grief as eased only the love remains and that the love is really potent as an attractor.

Much Love and happy Christmas to you Neville
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