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Old 11-02-2018, 05:40 PM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 387
Originally Posted by Spiritual Mike
I'm a vegan and I believe it can because of the health aspect.

My problem is that I've tried in the past to be an animal rights activist, and I always struggle with the pain of what the animals are going through. I feel a lot of that negative energy, created by all the non vegans of the world because of their choices to eat foods that came from suffering animals.

I think eating a healthy vegan diet can aid in spiritual growth, but if one is highly conscious of the suffering in the world it can feel like you're living in a hellish world and make spiritual growth a real challenge, even if your doing your best to not contribute to that suffering yourself.

I totally relate to the feelings that you've described Mike. I do feel like hell is right here and we're stuck in the middle of it when I think about how we treat all the animals! And it is a greater spiritual challenge because (at least for myself) I have to fight against actual rage sometimes. Seeing a video of a pig being boiled alive......hard not to get super angry. Especially when some 'brilliant' human decides to engage in the comments below that kind of image with the ever humorous, 'mmm bacon'.

But you know, James Aspey (brilliant, well known Australian animal activist) said one thing that makes it easier to cope. He said, 'focus on how many new vegans there are today, compared to last year or the year before'. Focus on that instead of the misery and suffering of the animals so that you can keep going and continue to be part of the change that is happening. So chin up Mike and remember all of us who are here side by side, heart to heart with you!
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