Thread: New projector
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Old 29-10-2014, 12:28 AM
bay9514 bay9514 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Canada
Posts: 80
Book1 New projector

Astral projection is what got me into spiritual stuff in the first place. A few years ago, I would always be trying one way or another to astral project. I only ever got close once that I can remember. To be honest, the experience freaked me out a little. I got this strange feeling in my foot that distracted me and messed me up. I haven't even been able to get close to projecting since. After a while, I just sort of gave up. It wasn't a conscious decision, I just tried less and less until I just forgot about it. Despite it being something I really want to do, I cant seem to do it. Any advice on how I could have an OOBE?
Love and tolerance

rock. you are a rock. gray. you are gray. like the rock, which you are. rock.- maud pie
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