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Old 09-01-2019, 04:02 PM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Here are my thoughts on your question.

More and more quantum physicists are finding we're not as smart as we hought we were...that our "physical world" isn't what we think/thought it was (is it a program running on some massive super computer...or is consciousness running the physical show?). Independent archaeologists are also finding that it seems ancient civilizations were far more advanced than we give them credit for (Graham Hancock among others). Dr. Steven Greer's research points to the idea that ETs are highly spiritually advanced and many are from other dimensions as well as other planets and some even from our own future (his work on suppressed energy is also very interesting). Some cosmologists say the Solar system has entered an area of space that will cause a positive shift of consciousness for the entire system (this occurred Dec. 12, 2012, when our solar system crossed the plane of ecliptic of the Milky Way and passed from the north (masculine) to the south (feminine)(This happens approximately every 13,500 years).

Putting this all together I seriously wonder if the human race is about to receive it's next big step in evolution...that we'll become far more spiritual and in touch with consciousness. I wonder if other older ETs have achieved this step long ago and others have achieved the highest step...some so advanced that the understanding of the relationship of physical and spiritual are so well understood they'd seem like magic to the most knowledgeable physicists.
So in saying we create our own heaven I'm inclined to think it's a collective, not individual, within a species...and that some have indeed achieved "heaven".
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