Thread: True Self?
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Old 13-01-2011, 09:30 PM
Posts: n/a
True self?

It seems some members are chasing a goal to be their true selves through various practises. You can see this on various threads where some members even gloat over others with surperiority as their meditational or spiritual ways have led them to now being their true self.

Which is what exactly?

Is this another ploy to get people to not accept who they are right now, this very moment as being true regardless of judgement from themselves and others through conditioning of what is supposed to be spiritual.

Joy, happiness, zen like behaviour? Is this really the true self or is just who you are right now which is ever evolving...the true self you had all along?

There is a danger too which comes with trying to be this spiritual zen like person and that is it has to be maintained and as we know, life isnt like that as it comes with dips, bumps and highs and lows and suppressing how you feel in favour of being spiritual has consequences which just creates anxiety and stress.

Is chasing the idea of a "true self" fruitless? Maybe not as the intention to be better in someway helps us evolve but there has to be a level of acceptance with who you are right now doesnt there?

Would love your thoughts on this elusive true self