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Old 10-02-2018, 04:29 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Were you indian from india or indian as in native American? I think that part is key... what were you thinking about before you went to sleep? The dream was a metaphoric expression upon the reality at hand in your waking life.... This could of been a past life dream where you were living out an existence that you have all ready had before.. there for this being was explaining to you why you may feel like this being did in the dream.... because your feeling that way in real life.... this very well may be some karmic expression that you are working on releasing...

often times the answers to our questions or situations is obvious but because of expectations and politically correctness we decide to go against what our soul desires..... sour soul desires love and to be connected with it... Your searching for something in your life but you dont know what it is..... your looking for help but no one is there. Id say.... think about it... and rephrase your question so that you may get a better answer... and go with it...

No one is perfect.... everyone is perfect... :) What is your definition of perfect? There are no redos or reset buttons on our life. All we can do is be honest with our selves and do what we believe is true to yourself and what we believe is right.... if its wrong.... change it and learn and grow and maybe the next time around the outcome will be different...

dead in leads to a dead in.... a path begins when you decide to start walking.

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